Cookies Policy

A cookie is a small file that is stored when visiting a page in the browser of your computer or mobile device, and that allows you to store and retrieve certain information about your browsing, or to recognize it to facilitate access to certain services.

Some are technically essential, such as those used so that when you go to buy or access your email you do not need to be entering your username and password in each step. These are called "technical cookies", and are only used while you are on the web. If these are deactivated, it is possible that you cannot access correctly all the contents and services of this website, or that your navigation is a little more uncomfortable if you access some space where it is necessary to recognize it.

Others are the so-called "analytical cookies", which can allow you to collect statistics about your browsing, allowing you to know your interests in order to offer a service more oriented to your preferences and needs. Deactivating these cookies does not harm the functionality of the page, but may not receive commercial or advertising content specifically aimed at you.

What cookies are used in ACEDE-Spanish Academy of Management?

cc_cookie_accept, cc_cookie_decline: permanent cookies to remember if the user authorizes or not the use of cookies on the web.

__utma, __utmb, __utmc, y __utmz: persistent nature and ownership of Google. These are Google Analytics cookies, which allow us to know how many visitors we have, how they got to ACEDE-Spanish Academy of Management, if they use a mobile phone or a computer, the source of traffic, distinguish new visits and returns, etc. If you wish, there are available tools for your browser, so that Google Analytics cannot collect your information:

This website does not use any type of analytical cookie for advertising or commercial purposes.

If any advertising or commercial communication is shown on the page, it is fixed, rotating, or random, with the same criteria for all visitors without taking into account their identification or personal navigation.


How can I disable or configure my browser's cookies?

Remember that in some cases if you disable them, your browsing of many sites may be difficult, in things such as managing content, checking email, or making an online purchase.

This process is different depending on the web browser that you use on your computer or mobile device, but the vast majority have tools that allow you to configure whether you want cookies to be automatically deleted when you close the application, or to disable them permanently. Therefore, for your convenience, we provide below some links where you can learn how to configure the most frequent browsers:

Explorer -

Firefox -

Safari -

Chrome -

Opera -